Why does it matter?

Answer: Ironically Spanish Revival is Non-Contributing

Some Committee Members live in Spanish Revival homes, as do many others in the Expansion area. Yet, neither the City nor the Neighborhood Committee ever proposed that Spanish Revival styles are Contributing. Neither the Neighborhood Committee nor the CIty nor anyone else uttered the words “Spanish Revival” in any of the 15 Neighborhood Meetings at all (see below for the slides from Meetings Regarding styles).

Revival Styles vs. Eclectic Styles in General

Revival Styles are like a purebred. All Poodle. But Eclectic Styles are mixed breeds.

Comparison of Spanish Revival and Spanish Eclectic.

Willis Winters helped me assemble the Venn Diagram above, which compares Spanish Revival to Spanish Eclectic Styles.

Spanish Revival Characteristics

Low-pitched roof
Eaves with little or no overhang
Red tile roof
Wall surface extends into the gable without a break
Asymmetrical facade
Arches above principal windows or beneath porch roofs

Shockingly, Slides Shown in Neighborhood Meetings Do Not Mention Spanish Revival as Contributing


CD2 vs. Expansion Details

Look Up Effects of CD2 on My Home

Architectural Styles in the Draft Ordinance