o No use of black as a primary body coloro No use of fluorescent colors
o Up to 3 trim colors
o No painting of original brick or stone, subject to some exceptions similar to the Hollywood Heights CD (excerpt below quote box)
CD2 v. Proposed Expansion, Paint
CD2 | Proposed Expansion | |
– No use of black or as a primary body color. No use of fluorescent colors. – 2 trim colors. – Brick/stone may be painted. | – No use of black or as a primary body color. No use of fluorescent colors. – Up to 3 trim colors. -Unpainted brick and stone of Contributing homes built before 1960 should not be painted. There was discussion of all Contributing homes being subject to this restriction, no matter what year they were built, but there was not a clear consensus on this point. 2/25/2023 City email “LWCD Expansion Meeting Update”).Following Neighborhood Meeting 13, February 13, 2023. |
Appealing a Denied Building Review Form: $600-1000 plus a tree-killing amount of paperwork.
Attic. You are limited to two stories and may not have an attic story.
Demolition of your house is severely restricted.
Driveways: Concrete May Not Be Tinted
Driveways: Gravel is prohibited except between ribbons in ribbon driveways.
Driveways: Must be Between Eight and Twelve Feet Wide
Driveways: Corner Lots May Not Have Access from both the Front or Side Street
Driveways: Gravel is Allowable ONLY Between Ribbons in Ribbon Driveways
Driveways: Asphalt is Prohibited
Demolition Clause: A Standard for Demolition No One Can Meet
Dormers Facing Street May Not Exceed Six Feet in Width
Fences: No Fences within the Front Setback, No Fences within 5 Feet of the Side Setback
Fines. $2,000 per day per occurence.
Foundation: Finished Floor Level for Main Buildings Must be at least 12 Inches Above Grade
Front Yard Lot Coverage: No More than 35% of the Front Yard May Be Paved or Hardscaped
Garages: Not Allowed in Wrap-Around and No Front-Facing Garages
Garages, Carports, and Accessory Structures Must Be Compatible with the Main Building
Garages, Carports, and Accessory Structures Must Be Compatible with the Main Building
Materials: First story of main buildings must be brick or stone, or a combination of the two
Materials: Vinyl and Aluminum Siding are Prohibited
Paint: No More than One Body Color and Max of Three Trim Colors
Paint: Black is Prohibited as a Main Body Color
Parking: No Parking within Front Setback
Porch Enclosures Must Have a Minimum of 75 Percent Glass or Screen and be Transparent
Porch Infill Must be Inset a Minimum of 2 inches within the Existing Openings
Porch Infill Materials must match the existing materials
Porte-Cocheres May Not Be Enclosed
Ranch Houses. Second stories can only be added on the back 50% of one’s home.
Style Discrepancies will Cause Headaches for you
Trees. You can no longer remove a mature tree in the front yard without approval.
Fine: $2,000 per protected tree removed or seriously damaged.
Walkways: Tinted or colored concrete is prohibited.
Walkways Must be a Minimum of 2 Feet from the Driveway
Walkways Must Be Continous with No Separation
Walkways: Gravel and asphalt are prohibited.
Waterfall Steps leading from the w
Waterfall Steps leading from the walkway to the main building should be retained.
Windows: Must fit the wall opening. Infill surrounding the window is not allowed.
Windows: Bare metal is prohibited.
Windows and Doors Must Have Transparent, Stained or Leaded Glass