– there they go, using their “Expertise” again!


With the searchable transcriptions of every meeting provided by neighborhood Wes Martin (shout out to Wes!), we discovered provisions snuck into the ordinance without neighborhood input .

Neighborhood input is required by law.

(4) Snuck into Development Standards

(B) Building Characteristics

(1) Dormers
  • (A) Dormers on a street-facing facade may not exceed six feet in width. Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.
(2) Front porches and enclosures
  • (C) Porte-cocheres may not be enclosed. Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.
(3) Windows and doors.
  • A) Windows must be typical of the architectural style. Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.

SNUCK IN SINCE PRIOR DRAFT (without neighborhood input)!

  • Gives City Planners complete discretion over windows.

(c) Building materials

  • (1) Except as provided in this subsection, the first story of main buildings must be brick, stone, or a combination of both.
    • Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.
    • EXAMPLE: See Committee Member Laura Harvey’s house, 7031 Westlake:

(d) Demolition

(2) All structures not covered under paragraph 1* (Original Contributing and Significant Houses) of this section may be demolished. New construction on those lots must be in [either the style of the main building or] one of the five Contributing styles.

ALTERED SINCE PRIOR DRAFT (without neighborhood input)!

Does removingeither the style of the main building of” make sense?

  • Imagine a Minimal Traditional house with a Spanish Eclectic garage?! A MidCentury Modern with a Tudor garage. A Spanish Colonial garage for a Minimal Traditional?!

(g) Height

(1) Except as provided in this subsection, for structures on lots smaller than 10,000 square feet, maximum structure height is 30 feet. For structures on lots 10,000 square feet or greater, maximum height is 35 feet.

ALTERED SINCE PRIOR DRAFT (without neighborhood input)!

  • The prior draft read, “(l) Height. (1)Except as provided in this subsection, maximum structure height is 30. feet.”
  • Note: from (10/29/2022 City email “LWCD Expansion Meeting Update”): Max height of 30′ on most homes, with a potential max of 25′ on blocks with smaller, primarily 1.5 story homes.

(e) Fences and retaining walls

(2) Courtyard walls surrounding the primary front entrance that are four feet in height or less may project into the front yard a maximum of five feet.

What use is 5 feet of courtyard?

The survey included objections to the prohibition of courtyard walls at all. So the new draft compromises by allowing 5 feet.

  • Note the courtyard of Committee Members’ houses below 7102 Lakewood Boulevard, 6955 Lakewood 7031 Lakewood and 7047 Tokalon Drive.

(e) Removed from Fences and Walls

  • (4) Fences that area areleast 70% open may be located flush to the corner of the front facade, excluding porches.

REMOVED SINCE PRIOR DRAFT (without neighborhood input)!

Example: 7030 Tokalon

(f) Garages, carports, and accessory structures.

  • (A) Garages are prohibited on the front facade and within the wrap-around. Note: Mentioned once by City Planner and one neighbor in a Neighborhood Meeting. No discussion or vote.
  • EXAMPLES: See Hutsells with garages in the wrap-around, in 7207 7319 Lakewood below:
  • EXAMPLES: See all above plus the house Hutsell built for his mother on 2716 Westshore (above).
  • (B) Garage doors may not face the front street. Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.

Committee member houses house garage doors face the street, 6861 Lakewood and 7031 Lakewood:

(i) Impervious Surfaces

  • (1) Impervious materials. No more than 35 percent of the front yard may be paved or hardscaped.
  • NOTE: From 9/18/2022 City email “LWCD Expansion Meeting Update.”
    • [The] majority prefer existing CD2 requirements with no more than 30% lot coverage consisting of nonpermeable paving material.
  • (2) Driveways, curbing, and parking.
    • C) A corner lot may have driveway access from the rear alley and either the front street or a side street, but not all three. Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.
    • (D) Any new front entry driveway must extend at least 20 feet beyond the front yard setback. Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.

(3) Walkways must be continuous with no separation.

“Some” is not a “majority.”

  • From Neighborhood Meeting 2: “Okay, so in an effort to keep things moving along, you know, we seem to be okay with the 30%. We had some say contiguous paths. We had some say some exceptions for contemporary or non-contributing.” – Trevor Brown, Chief Planner, Neighborhood Meeting 2, 41 minutes, 41 seconds.
  • From follow-up email for Neighborhood Meeting 2: (9/18/2022 City email “LWCD Expansion Meeting Update”): “A majority did not agree to this as evidenced in the City’s update stating, “some favored contiguous for contributing style homes (i.e. no breaks in the walkway).”
  • Example: Home of Neighborhood Committee Member, 6955 Lakewood,aerial view:
(n) Signs. Signs must comply with the provisions for non-business zoning districts in Article VII.
  • Note: Never discussed in a Neighborhood Meeting.
  • Note: Part of City Code already. This should not be part of a CD


Proposed Solution: Tax Abatements.

Incentives work, Controls Do Not

Draft Released September 2024 Changes are Red Herrings.

Draft still designed to CONTROL, despite Petitioners’ claims.


Did the Latest Draft Change Anything?

Petitioners Misled Us

Misleading Neighbors

Tear Downs: Fact Check

City Approval Process Used Inaccurate Information

Inventory Errors and Impact

Impact on Determination of Eligibility

Bad Data in Neighborhood Meetings

Accuracy After the Fact? Letter from Chief Planner, August 31, 2023.

City Made-Up Process to Create New Ordinance Disguised as an Expansion