Willis Winters identified 18 styles in the Expansion Area, while the
The Neighborhood Committee identified the five styles they wanted to be Contributing.
What’s the Impact?
- The City used the Neighborhood Committee’s data, presented in Neighborhood Meetings 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
- Result: Contributing Styles were chosen from a list missing 12 of 18 styles.
Unforeseen Consequences
Failure to Recognize French Norman
Willis Winters says 6800 Lakewood is the premier example of French Norman-style Dallas.
French Norman was not considered because the City presented only the Neighborhood Committee’s limited list. The City’s mistake puts this phenomenal French Norman house is in the Non-Contributing Category.
Shouldn’t we START with accurate information?
More Info
Willis Winters’s Report on House Styles in the Lakewood Expansion Area.
Comparison Shows 60% of Neighborhood Committee’s Inventory is Incorrect