Remodeling a Non-Contributing Home: Draft Ordinance, Exhibit A, Section e.

4) If a noncontributing structure is remodeled, the remodeling must be compatible
with the standards for its existing architectural style or one of the 5 contributing
styles (Tudor, Spanish Revival/Eclectic, French Eclectic, Colonial Revival,
Neoclassical) for that element of the structure being remodeled. All subsequent
remodeling must be in the same architectural style as the first remodeling in the
contributing style.

I know what was said during Petitioning. . . Non-Contributing homes would only be subject to height and setback type restrictions, but the discussions that happened in however long we’ve talked about Styles, it evolved to where we are because if Non-Contributing has no regulation then someone could apply for a remodel of a NC home, take it down to a couple of walls and then rebuild like that black house on [x street] that everyone… complains about.

Summer Loveland Head of the Neighborhood Committee, Meeting 15

Non-Contributing homes may remodel without restriction.

Bait and Switch

  1. Telling us during Petitioning that our Non-Contributing Homes would be allowed to remodel without style restrictions like the current CD2
  2. Get our signatures on the Petition.
  3. Re-iterate that Non-Contributing homes remain unrestricted in the Pre-Petition Meeting in May 2022, making non-contributing homeowners less likely to attend meetings.
  4. Change the proposed ordinance to restrict Non-Contributing Homes in a poorly attended Neighborhood Meeting during the holidays in December 2023. (see quote above).

Bait and Switch Timeline

  1. Petitioning in 2022: The Neighborhood Committee Assured us our Non-Contributing Styles Would be Unrestricted, Just like the Current CD.

    During Petitioning, we were assured that Non-Contributing styles would be treated like they are in the current CD2. In the existing CD2 they are unrestricted.
  2. May 2022: Pre-Application Neighborhood Meeting We Were Reassured by the Chief City Planner.
    At the first Neighborhood Meeting, the Chief Planner reassured the attendees that Non-Contributing styles would not be restricted, saying:

    “A lot of times the ordinance will say, for non-contributing buildings, may be remodeled however they want to be remodeled, but they still have to meet the setback, the lot coverage…It’s not about making a ranch style house look like a Colonial Revival house. We don’t want to change that.
    – Bill Hersch, Chief Planner for the City of Dallas’ Department of Planning and Urban Development
  3. December 14, 2022 Neighborhood Meeting 10, The City Planner Leads the Switch and Non-Contributing Remodels Will be Restricted.

    City of Dallas Chief Planner Trevor Brown introduces restricting remodeling on Non-Contributing styles by invoking the small group of attendees’ worst fears:
    “There are like 100 of them [Non-Contributing houses]. Do you really want to let these people do whatever they want?
    Build a black house?
    Metal roof?”

    – Chief Planner Trevor Brown, City of Dallas

    The Chief Planner repeated the above quote a second time when the idea didn’t take the first time. The people at Meeting 10 decided that Non-Contributing houses should be restricted.

    At the end of Meeting 10, it was decided that Non-Contributing houses could only remodel into a Contributing style.
  4. January to March 2023: Letter Writing Campaign to City’s Chief Planner
    Non-contributing homes are given a “compromise solution.” They will be assigned a style and have to remain in that style when remodeling until they convert to a Contributing style.

    The Neighborhood Committee and City want you to believe this “gift” was agreed to – it wasn’t.

The Head of the Neighborhood Committee explains it:

What’s the Impact?

  • Deception of neighbors erodes trust in our Community. Breaking a promise that gets someone to sign a Petition sows distrust.
  • Cost. Converting a Non-Contributing House to a Contributing Style is likely as expensive as tearing it down. The plate (first-floor wall height) on most Non-Contributing homes is 8 feet, while the plate of a Contributing style is 10 feet. The conversion cost can be more than tearing the house down and starting over.
  • Fossilization of the neighborhood fossilized in its current state.
  • The end of 100 years of architectural evolution that produced one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Texas.
  • Lack of Civility. The Neighborhood Committee’s comments about one house in the neighborhood assume we share her opinion. The City further normalized this attack with the Chief Planner’s comments. We deserve better.
  • No Matter How Intense, Hatred of One House Doesn’t Justify Bait and Switch.


What Can I Do?

EXTRAS SNUCK INTO THE DRAFT Since the prior draft: Windows must be typical of the architectural style, courtyard walls may project into the front yard a maximum of five feet, structures on large lots may be taller than those on smaller lots, roof eaves may not exceed two feet, individual window units must be taller than they are wide on the front facade.

Elements of your home that the City Will Have Complete Discretion

  • Windows must be typical of the architectural style.
  • On a front facade and within the wrap-around, all materials and their application must be typical of the period and architectural style, or be compatible with original main buildings designated the same architectural style in the district.
  • Wood, materials that look like wood, cast stone, wrought iron, or stucco with half-timbering may be applied in a manner and location typical of Original Houses in the district.
  • Dormers must be typical in form, size, and proportions for the architectural style of the structure.