Driveways must not exceed 24 feet in width.



What Can I Do?

Appealing a Denied Building Review Form: $600-1000 plus a tree-killing amount of paperwork.

Attic. You are limited to two stories and may not have an attic story.

Circular Driveways Prohibited

Demolition of your house is severely restricted.

Driveways: Concrete May Not Be Tinted

Driveways: Gravel is prohibited except between ribbons in ribbon driveways.

Driveways: Must be Between Eight and Twelve Feet Wide

Driveways: Corner Lots May Not Have Access from both the Front or Side Street

Driveways: Gravel is Allowable ONLY Between Ribbons in Ribbon Driveways

Driveways. Brick, stone, or paver color must be compatible with materials found on an Original house within the district.

Driveways: Asphalt is Prohibited

Demolition Clause: A Standard for Demolition No One Can Meet

Dormers Facing Street May Not Exceed Six Feet in Width

Fences: No Fences within the Front Setback, No Fences within 5 Feet of the Side Setback

Fines. $2,000 per day per occurence.

Foundation: Finished Floor Level for Main Buildings Must be at least 12 Inches Above Grade

Front Yard Lot Coverage: No More than 35% of the Front Yard May Be Paved or Hardscaped

Garages: Not Allowed in Wrap-Around and No Front-Facing Garages

Garages, Carports, and Accessory Structures Must Be Compatible with the Main Building

Garages, Carports, and Accessory Structures Must Be Compatible with the Main Building

Materials: First story of main buildings must be brick or stone, or a combination of the two

Materials: Vinyl and Aluminum Siding are Prohibited

Paint: No More than One Body Color and Max of Three Trim Colors

Paint: Black is Prohibited as a Main Body Color

Parking: No Parking within Front Setback

Parking. Tandem parking spaces do not count towards two-parking-space minimum per dwelling unit per lot.

Porch Enclosures Must Have a Minimum of 75 Percent Glass or Screen and be Transparent

Porch Infill Must be Inset a Minimum of 2 inches within the Existing Openings

Porch Infill Materials must match the existing materials

Porte-Cocheres May Not Be Enclosed

Ranch Houses. Second stories can only be added on the back 50% of one’s home.

Remodeling. A Non-Contributing house may not remodel out of its style unless it remodels as one of the 5 Contributing Styles.

Retaining Walls

Roofs, Metal

Stucco, Prohibited?

Style Discrepancies will Cause Headaches for you

Trees. You can no longer remove a mature tree in the front yard without approval.
Fine: $2,000 per protected tree removed or seriously damaged.

Walkways: Tinted or colored concrete is prohibited.

Walkways Must be a Minimum of 2 Feet from the Driveway

Walkways Must Be Continous with No Separation

Walkways: Gravel and asphalt are prohibited.

Walkways. Brick, stone or paver color must be compatible with materials found on an Original house within the district.

Waterfall Steps leading from the w

Waterfall Steps leading from the walkway to the main building should be retained.

Windows: Must fit the wall opening. Infill surrounding the window is not allowed.

Windows: Bare metal is prohibited.

Windows and Doors Must Have Transparent, Stained or Leaded Glass

Work Not Requiring a Building Permit Must Still Go Through Review with The Dept. of Planning and Urban Development.

Work Requiring a Building Permit Must Go Through Review with The Dept. of Planning and Urban Development.